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Who is here?

Born  in Kherson, Ukraine. Since 1990 lives in Israel. While being always in love with painting, it became much more prominent in Israel - that with sudden change of language and surroundings. Literature took a step back, and graphical self-expression came forward. 



Finished with commendations college, art and graphics department.

University- B.A in psychology and journalism.

Teached children and adults art, believing that everybody can draw, so long as the soul is awaken. True artist is one who sees exceptional in common, everyday life, one who aspires to share his feeling of the world and his discoveries...


Studied various techniques of art, graphics and design. One goal to all - to open up the soul to light other souls...


Illustrated books, prepared books for printing, published 4 my own poetry books.


Published poetry in USA, Israel and Ukraina journals.


Took part in art exhibition in Jerusalem, Ariel, Ashqelon, Kiryat Arba, Tel-Aviv. Organized exhibitions in Ateret.


MeIRA - in Hebrew it means "bringing light".

Artist, Graphic designer, Illustrator

Professional & Original .

MeIRAart studio

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